3945 Sth 1st Abilene, TX 79605 325-670-0799

Meet the Staff of 1st Choice Motors

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A.J. Clark - Sales Manager


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Mitchell Warnell - Sales Professional

325-864-2366 - mitchell.1stchoicemotors@gmail.com

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Ryder Baggett - Sales Professional


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TJ Jowers - Sales Professional


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Garrett Hubbard - Marketing Manager

325-201-7922 - mediahubbmarketing@gmail.com

Garrett is our Marketing & Internet Manager. He makes sure that all our inventory online is updated and handles promotions and contests. Reach out to him via email with any Marketing or Internet questions for the dealership and say hello to him if you catch him in the store!

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Jim Alexander - Buyer


Jim has been with the dealership for a good while and is our Buyer! Jim handles the buying of inventory so whether it be at the auction or somewhere else, we know that Jim is going to make sure we are only taking in the best inventory. 

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